Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Today in history

Today in 1189, Henry II died at Chinon.
He was King of England, Count of Anjou, Duke of Normandy, Duke of Aquitaine, Duke of Gascony, Count of Nantes and Lord of Ireland - the first Plantagenet to rule England.
Walter Map described him as a man of the people: "He does not take upon himself to think high thoughts, his tongue never swells with elated language; he does not magnify himself as more than man."
As to his apprearance, Peter of Blois tells us:
...the lord king has been red-haired so far, except that the coming of old age and grey hair has altered that colour somewhat. His height is medium, so that neither does he appear great among the small, nor yet does he seem small among the great... curved legs, a horseman's shins, broad chest, and a boxer's arms all announce him as a man strong, agile and bold... he never sits, unless riding a horse or eating... In a single day, if necessary, he can run through four or five day-marches and, thus foiling the plots of his enemies, frequently mocks their plots with surprise sudden arrivals... Always are in his hands bow, sword, spear and arrow, unless he be in council or in books.

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